The ASC is run by a board of directors, the majority of whom are elected by participants at the conference. Each conference, two representatives from each of the areas of Electronics, Materials and Large Scale, are elected for a six-year term. Suggestions or volunteers for candidates to run for the Board are solicited. Persons submitting a valid petition before the indicated deadline will be placed on the ballot. A valid petition must (a) be signed by 10 or more people who have attended either of the last two conferences; (b) cannot have more than 2 signatures from persons from the same organization as the nominee.
Inquiries or nominations should be sent to:
Lance Cooley
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Mail Stop 315, P.O. Box 500
Batavia, IL 60510
Phone: +1 630-840-6797
The deadline for submitting nominations is 2 February 2016. **Extended until 31 May for Large Scale and Materials.**
The 2016 Board Nominees are:
Anna Leese de Escobar – US Navy (USA)
Nobuyuki Yoshikawa – Yokohama National University (Japan)
The new elected board members are: Anna Leese de Escobar and Nobuyuki Yoshikawa.
Tim Coombs – University of Cambridge (UK)
Iain Dixon – National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (USA)
Mathias Noe – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)
Sastry Pamidi – Center for Advanced Power Systems, Florida State University (USA)
The new elected board members are: Iain Dixon and Mathias Noe.
Timothy Haugan – Air Force Research Laboratory (USA)
Luigi Muzzi – ENEA Frascati (Italian National Agency for New Technologies) (Italy)
Jeff Parrell – Oxford Instruments – Superconducting Technology (USA)
The new elected board members are: Luigi Muzzi and Jeff Parrell.