Session Moderators



Thank you for agreeing to serve as a Session Moderator for ASC 2016. These instructions outline your responsibilities in regard to managing the session.

  • All ASC 2016 sessions will have two Session Moderators.
  • On average, sessions will have about 8 presentations.
  • There are three types of sessions. They are: plenary sessions, regular oral sessions, and poster sessions.
  • Session Moderators are not required to submit reviewer nominations for manuscript submissions/peer review, however, you are welcome to make suggestions of reviewers if you are inclined to be of help to the Technical Editors.
  • Session Moderators must complete the Session Moderator Report and return it to the Publication Office (Room 301).
  • If a scheduled presentation has no-show presenters and the presentation has to be canceled (e.g. was not given), the corresponding manuscript, if submitted, will not be considered for peer review and published in the ASC 2016 special edition of the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (TAS). The authors will be referred to make a submission to the regular issue of the TAS.

Session Moderators for ORAL SESSIONS have several responsibilities.

Prior to the session start:

    • Please go to the Speaker Preparation Room (Room 301) prior to the session to check whether all presentations have been submitted.
    • Please go to the Publication Office (Room 301) to pick up your Session Moderator Report that you are asked to complete after your session and return to the Publication Office.
    • Take 5 – 10 minutes prior to the session to familiarize yourself with lighting controls, computer, laser pointer, slide controls, microphones, and the general layout of the room (viewing angles, doors, noise, etc).
    • If there are any issues, please advise the conference staff.
    • Take a roll-call of all speakers.
    • PowerPoint tip: F5 will start the presentation, ESC exits.
    • Acrobat tip: Ctrl – L will enter full-screen mode, ESC exits.

Beginning of and during sessions:

    • Announce the title of the session.
    • Introduce yourselves.
      Explain the ground rules:
    • Invited oral = 25 min (warn at 23) + 5 min for questions. Contributed oral = 12 min (warn at 10) + 3 min for questions.
    • You should introduce the presenting author and the title of each presentation.
    • Be polite but firm when enforcing these guidelines: Stand, ask the speaker to conclude. Keep control of the session time!
    • At your discretion, talks may encroach into question time, but then you should defer questions to private discussion.
    • Monitor noise, audience, etc.
    • The two chairs can alternate this task.
    • Every presentation must be exactly as scheduled. If a speaker does not show on time for his/her presentation, the next speaker shall not begin the presentation until the scheduled time. Moderators may fill the time before the next presentation starts by allowing more questions or initiating discussion on the subject of the session.
    • Complete and return the Session Moderator Report. Check off presentations as they are given. Also estimate the audience size. This information must be returned to the Publications Office (Room 301).
    • PLEASE! Do not let anyone walk away with the laser pointer! 

POSTER SESSIONS do not require introduction of the authors or of the presentations.

    • Please go to the Publication Office (Room 301) to pick up your Session Moderator Report that you are asked to complete and return to the Publication Office after your session.
    • Session Moderators are asked to record any posters that were not presented. One of the authors must be present at most, if not all, times with the poster presentation.
    • Walk the session multiple times. Note that in some cases, an author may need to attend to more than one poster, and thus might not be present during your first survey, so you may have to return later.  Poster presenters have been instructed by Conference Management to leave a note on their posters to say when they will return. Feel free to remind the attendees of this request.
    • Posters that have been mounted but do not have an attendant, or posters that are missing entirely, must be recorded on the Session Moderator Report.

Session Moderator Reports are due immediately following your session (preferably) but no later than
Friday, September 9, 12:00 noon in the Publications Office (Room 301).