Abstract submission is now closed. Any late submission requests must be sent to asc@centennialconferences.com and must include the abstract title, list of authors including affiliations, the abstract body and the submission category. Abstracts will be sent to the Program Committee for possible consideration at the committee’s discretion.
Click here to login to your ASC 2016 abstract submission user account.
Abstract Submission Deadline: 2 February 2016 (11:59 p.m., EST, firm)
This deadline will be STRICTLY observed in fairness to all potential presenters, and the submission site will not accept abstracts after this deadline.
Abstracts that are not submitted to the submission site by the deadline will only be considered at the discretion of the Program Chairs.
Abstracts are hereby solicited in all areas of applied superconductivity from persons seeking to present technical content at ASC 2016. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed for content, and the majority of the technical program will be formed from the abstracts accepted for presentation. Manuscripts describing the work presented at the Conference are also hereby solicited.
- ASC 2016 wishes to accommodate authors for whom written English does not properly capture spelling or pronunciation of names and affiliations. As part of the abstract submission process, authors may also upload a PDF file containing the list of authors and institutions written in a native font. The file should be created with all fonts embedded. This file will not be reviewed by the program committee, and all information is the responsibility of the author. This file with native font will be available for viewing via the online Itinerary planner once the technical program is finalized.
- The Student Paper Contest will take place again at ASC 2016. Interested students are asked to submit, in addition to their abstract, a 2-page extended abstract along with their advisor’s letter. Detailed information can be found here.
- Only abstracts submitted via the ASC’16 abstract submission system will be considered.
- Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee. All abstracts must be about applied superconductivity, must be written in the English language, must contain enough information to permit placement of the presentation into the program, and must make logical arguments based on scientific or engineering methods. The Program Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts that do not conform to these guidelines.
- Presentations are either oral or poster. The Program Committee reserves the right to change the type of presentation from that preferred by the author to accommodate limitations on meeting space and other constraints.
- Formatting will be performed by the abstract management system, please prepare information in plain text. Abstract titles must be in mixed/sentence case.
- Some symbols (e.g., Greek letters) can be used in the abstract submission, either from a template in the system or by cut-and-paste from your Word Processing program. However, if your symbol does not paste correctly (you should be able to see it on the screen), then please substitute the corresponding plain text.
- Contact information is required for the Submitting Author and the Presenting Author (which may be, but are not necessarily, the same person). Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all submitted information.
- The control number assigned to an abstract once it is submitted is the primary means of identifying an abstract until the program is formed. Please use the control number in any correspondence concerning abstracts until a program number has been issued.
- During submission, authors will be requested to place their abstracts in a technical submission category. Click here for the list of submission categories.
- Length restrictions do not include spaces and are as follows:
♦ Title and Abstract Content/Body: 3000 characters
♦ Acknowledgment: 300 characters
- A confirmation step will permit authors to verify all content and give final approval. Only completed and approved submissions will be reviewed for technical program consideration.
- Abstracts may be modified prior to the deadline using the abstract submission site unless the submission has already been reviewed by the Program Committee already. If your abstract has already been reviewed but you would like to make changes, please contact Centennial Conferences by Contact Centennial Conferences. Please include the type of change request and provide your abstract control ID.
- Notice of acceptance for inclusion in the ASC 2016 Program will be sent electronically to the Submitting and Presenting Authors on 28 March 2016.