SNF Contest for Best Contributed Papers Submitted to ASC 2016


Superconductivity News Forum (SNF),, invites Authors of contributed ASC 2016 papers to the contest for best contributed papers in all ASC program categories. You can compete for a very limited number of slots reserved for outstanding contributed papers. The choice of contributions will be made by the SNF panel of reviewers and Editors. Preprints of manuscripts submitted to SNF which will be rated “excellent” or “very good” without requiring any revision will be pre-published in the January 2017 Issue (with a possibility of much earlier Preview online).

The manuscript must be identical with that submitted to ASC for possible publication in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (TAS). The format can be either WORD or PDF. After the hardcopy publication in TAS, each preprint will be linked to the IEEE XPLORE final online version accessible to subscribers of TAS. Please submit to and indicate the presentation/program ID.