IEEE Resources for Authors


Manuscripts submitted for publication in the special issue of IEEE-TAS follow the same requirements as for regular articles, with additional stipulations for page limits, registration codes, and verification that the presentation was also given at the conference. This means that all of the many resources developed by IEEE and made available to authors can be used to prepare manuscripts. Of particular importance is the IEEE Digital Author Toolbox. Please visit for detailed information.

This valuable site includes:

Authors should also review the IEEE policies regarding rights, permissions, plagiarism, duplicate publication, and permissible re-use of material. These policies now include mandatory plagiarism detection. The editors of the ASC 2014 Special Issue are required to enforce these policies. Please visit the following site:

Take advantage of the paper writing service ( – for about $8.00 per 250-word page, you can avoid delays or even the rejection of your manuscript for reasons related to English language.

LaTeX is acceptable for submissions for the ASC 2014 special issue. While a conference-specific template is no longer maintained, authors should be able to produce publication-ready results by using the document class “IEEEtran.cls” maintained by, using the format option for US Letter paper, and by following the IEEE Style Manual ( Adherence to the style manual should be automatic for many LaTeX features if the most recent version of IEEEtran.cls is used.

Please check to ensure that you have the most recent version of the document class and options.

Please also read the ASC 2014 word template, since it contains helpful information about preparing a good manuscript and details about the publication process.

CAUTION: Authors should use the template for transactions at the URL above, and should be careful to not obtain other templates, such as those for conference proceedings also maintained by Different templates will be returned by search engine results.