Board Nominations


The ASC is run by a board of directors, the majority of whom are elected by participants at the conference. Each conference, two representatives from each of the areas of Electronics, Materials and Large Scale, are elected for a six-year term. Suggestions or volunteers for candidates to run for the Board are solicited. Persons submitting a petition before the indicated deadline signed by ten people who have attended either of the last two conferences will be placed on the ballot.

Inquiries or nominations should be sent to:

Matthew Jewell
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
105 Garfield Ave., P177 D Materials Science
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: 715-836-3770

The deadline for submitting nomination is March 31, 2014.


The 2014 Board Nominees are:



Simon Bandler, NASA/GSFC

Boris Karasik, Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech

William Oliver, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

The new elected board members are: Boris Karasik and William Oliver.



Philippe Masson, University of Houston

Toru Ogitsu, KEK

Vitaly Vysotsky, Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute (VNIIKP)

Ying Xin, Tianjin University

The new elected board members are: Philippe Masson and Toru Ogitsu.



Claudia Cantoni, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Najib Cheggour, University of Colorado Boulder

Takanobu Kiss, Kyushu University

Michael Sumption, Ohio State University

The new elected board members are: Takanobu Kiss and Michael Sumption.