Manuscript Submission


As in past years, manuscript submission will take place using Manuscript Central, provided by ScholarOne Manuscripts.  The submission site will be made live shortly. Once logged in to your account, you will be prompted for the following information: 

• Your program ID number

• The e-mail address of the contact author

• Your manuscript title

• Information for all authors

• A code provided with your paid conference registration or extra paper purchase

• A page count

• Information regarding transfer of copyright


Authors are reminded that IEEE-TAS publishes selected articles from the work presented at the ASC 2012. Conference attendance and presentation of the work at its scheduled time grants the right of an author to submit an article about the work to the special issue, but does not guarantee publication of the submitted article. 


New for 2012: Authors from teams or collaborations may combine articles and gain increased page limits. Instructions appear under a new combined papers policy.


The manuscript submission site can be accessed here.