BYOB – Bring Your Own Bag Contest

Portland has a reputation of being “green” (environmentally sustainable) and you know what they say! ”When in Portland…do as the Portlanders do” and recycle!  So in our effort to maintain their reputation we are asking you to use your own bag.  And, if you choose to use an ASC bag you can enter it in the BYOB Contest!!!
♦ The Heirloom Award – The oldest bag wins.
♦ The ASC 25th Anniversary Award  – This is our 25th meeting so decorate your bag commemorating all 25 years of the ASC in a creative way. 
The Ugly Duckling Award – Do you own the ugliest bag on earth?  Is it frayed? Does it remind you of when you were in college? If you can answer yes to any of these questions be sure and enter it!!!
♦ The Glamour Bag Award – Dedicated to The 10th Anniversary of Women in Applied Superconductivity.
♦ The Next Century of Superconductivity Award – Do you have a bag that has been retrofitted and can be considered the model bag of the future?
Awards will be given at the Farewell Reception on Thursday so get creative, pick a category above, and enter to win!!!