Information for Referees
Electronic Publication of ASC 2012 Articles in 90 Days
What REFEREES can do to achieve the goal.
The review of ASC manuscripts is a significant part of the publication process. Manuscripts moved through the process in between 40 and 120 days for ASC 2010, with half of the papers being completed by approximately 90 days. With the advent of article numbers for IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (IEEE-TAS), papers can appear very soon (as fast as 1 week) after being accepted for publication, which is why the goal of publication in 90 days is attainable. Papers no longer have to wait for the entire special issue to be assembled and paginated, as has been the case.
Every conference, referees provide a huge and invaluable service to the ASC community. For the 2010 conference, referees provided opinions on over 850 papers. This required an almost 2,000 opinions delivered to editors. A pool of over 1,000 reviewers participated. What’s also impressive is that referees responded positively to a review invitation 74% of the time. This is a testament of our dedication toward maintaining the health of the ASC community.