2012 Board Nominations


The ASC is run by a board of directors, the majority of whom are elected by participants at the conference. Each conference, two representatives from each of the areas of Electronics, Materials and Large Scale, are elected for a six-year term. Suggestions or volunteers for candidates to run for the Board are solicited. Persons submitting a petition before the indicated deadline signed by ten people who have attended either of the last two conferences will be placed on the ballot.

Inquiries or nominations should be sent to:

Kathleen Amm
GE Global Research
Building K1-EP 119
One Research Circle
Niskayana, NY 12309
Phone: 518-387-7998


The deadline for submitting nominations is March 14, 2012. 


The 2012 Board Nominees are:


Warren Holmes – Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Arthur Lichtenberger – University of Virginia

Write in (name & affiliation)

The new elected board members are: Warren Holmes and Arthur Lichtenberger.



Amalia Ballarino – CERN 

Pierluigi Bruzzone – EPFL-CRPP Fusion Technology

Stefania Farinon – INFN – Sezione di Genova

Steven Fleshler – American Superconductor Corporation

Toru Ogitsu – High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK

Michael Parizh – General Electric – Global Research

Ying Xin – Innopower Superconductor Cable Co., Ltd.

The new elected board members are: Amalia Ballarino & Stefania Farinon.



Emanuela Barzi – Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Teruo Izumi – ISTEC

Kaname Matsumoto – Kyushu Institute of Technology

The new elected board members are: Teruo Izumi and Kaname Matsumoto.