Session Chair Guidelines

Session Chair Guidelines

Session Chair Reports are due Friday, August 6, 12:00 noon in the Publications Office (Senate room).

Checklist for Session Chairs for Oral Sessions

Prior to the session start:

  • Take a roll-call of all speakers.
  • Familiarize yourself with lighting controls, your AV assistant, and the general layout of the room (viewing angles, doors, noise, etc).
  • Talks should be pre-loaded.  Verify that talks are there.
  • Powerpoint tip: F5 will start the presentation, ESC exits.
  • Acrobat tip: Ctrl – L will enter full-screen mode, ESC exits.


  • Announce the title of the session.
  • Introduce yourselve(s).
  • Explain the ground rules:
  • Invited oral = 25 min (warn at 23) + 5 min for questions. Contributed oral = 12 min (warn at 10) + 3 min for questions.
  • Be polite but firm when enforcing these guidelines: Stand, ask the speaker to conclude. Keep control of the session time!
  • At your discretion, talks may encroach into question time, but then you should defer questions to private discussion.
  • Complete and return the Session Chair Report: Check off presentations as they are given. Also estimate the audience size.  This information must be returned to the Publications Office in the Senate room.
  • Monitor noise, audience, etc.
  • Do not let anyone walk away with the laser pointer!

Checklist for Session Chairs for Poster Sessions

  • Walk the session multiple times. Note that in some cases, an author may need to attend to more than one poster, and thus might not be present during your first survey.   
  • Complete and return the Session Chair Report: Record posters that have been mounted and are attended by a presenter, posters mounted but have no attendant, and posters that are missing entirely (No-Show column). Estimate audience size.  This information must be returned to the Publications Office in the Senate room.
  • If a poster is placed on the poster board but an author is not available, please make a note on the session Chair Report in the No-Show column.

Session Chair Reports are due Friday, August 6, 12:00 noon in the Publications Office (Senate room).

Friday Afternoon Session Chairs:  Please email (scanned copy) or fax your report to [001] 303-499-2599.