Call for Papers/Abstract Submission
Due to the compressed submission schedule, the program committee will consider late abstracts until midnight, EST, March 3, 2010.
Financial Assistance
ASC 2010 has specifically allocated funds to provide financial
assistance to participants who are giving papers at the Conference and
can demonstrate that they would not be able to attend without such
Priority will be giving to young scientists and to scientists from institutions and countries with limited means. Students
wishing to apply for assistance should send in a recommendation from
his/her professor confirming relevance to the ASC.
Financial assistance will be provided on a first-come / first-serve basis.
Please apply by sending your request to Centennial Conferences by email no later than March 8, 2010.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Authors are requested to submit abstracts and papers addressing all aspects of applied superconductivity
Please do not email or fax abstracts. Only uploaded abstracts will be considered.
Authors must submit abstracts by selecting a submission category, see category list.
Character restrictions are as follows:
Title: 300 characters
Abstract Content/Body: 1200 characters
Acknowledgment: 200 characters
Authors may enter abstracts directly when the submission site opens. It is expected that allowance for symbol fonts and some formatting will be provided.
As an alternate, authors can prepare a text file and upload the file when the submission site opens. In this case, font conflicts can occur between computers. Please substitute symbols with text (write out the symbol, e.g. "mu" for the Greek letter mu).
Either choice, direct entry or file upload, will be followed by a review and approve step to verify content. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of any uploaded information.
Opportunities to edit abstracts prior to the deadline are integrated with the abstract submission site.
Notice of acceptance for inclusion in the ASC 2010 program will be sent electronically early April, 2010.
Due to the compressed submission schedule, the program committee will consider late abstracts until midnight, EST, March 3, 2010.
Click here to access the abstract submission site.
For any technical inquiries, click here to contact OASIS Helpdesk or call [001] 217-398-1792.