Oral Presentation Instructions

Welcome Presenters of Oral Presentations!


What does a virtual oral session look like at ASC 2020V?
The oral session blocks are now for live discussions of the presentation only. Attendees are assumed to have previously viewed the talks. The discussions will be managed by the moderators. Slide decks (PDF format) submitted by the authors may be utilized by the moderators to facilitate the discussion.

In order to provide the greatest flexibility to our attendees, video presentations will be made available for viewing at least 2 days before the discussion. The videos will not be presented again during the discussion blocks.

All presentations will be checked for content and length before being made available.

Text chat will be available to discuss presentations throughout the meeting and until the conference website closes December 31, 2020.

A two-slide summary should also be provided that must be a Title/Author/Acknowledgement page and a Summary page that can be used by the moderators to introduce the authors and their collaborators and funding, and quickly capture the main points of the video presentation.

Files to upload to the Whova Platform by October 15th (by now all presenters should have received upload instructions from Whova; if you have not seen that email, please check your junk mail folder):

  1. Video File:
       Panelist: No more than 10 minutes in length (70 MB file limit)
       Contributed presentations: 10-15 minutes in length (100 MB file limit)
       Invited presentations: 20-25 minutes (200 MB file limit)
       Plenary presentations: 35-45 minutes
    Videos that exceed these lengths may be rejected by the moderators.
    The simplest way to create a video of your presentation is to use the recording feature in Zoom (available in both the free and paid versions).


       Video format: MPEG-4 (.mp4) recommended but mpeg, mpg, mov, avi are also acceptable
       Video settings: Minimum horizontal resolution of 720 pixels

    When uploading your recorded file, the file name must include your designated presentation ID, your first and last name, and “recording”. Example: Wk1EOr4A-01_AuthorFirst-LastName_recording
  1. Slide Deck:
    Your presentation saved as an Adobe Acrobat PDF
    File Size Limit: 10 MB
       Help in reducing file size can be found here.
    Security: All attendees must be able to view the PDF files but printing and/or editing can be password restricted. Instructions can be found here
    Animation: Remember that PowerPoint animations are not displayed in the PDF versions, so any animated slides may need to be modified to ensure they are clear in the static pdf versions used for the discussion.

     uploading your presentation PDF file, the file name must include your designated presentation ID, your first and last name, and “presentation”. Example: Wk1EOr4A-01_AuthorFirst-LastName_presentation.

  2. 2-slide Summary Presentation:
    To be used in the discussion session to introduce the authors and remind the audience of the main points of your talk (Adobe Acrobat PDF < 10 MB).Slide 1: List title, presenter, co-authors, institutions, funding sources, and acknowledgments.
    Slide 2: Bulleted summary of the main presentation.

    uploading your 2-slide PDF file, the file name must include your designated presentation ID, your first and last name, and “summary”. Example: Wk1EOr4A-01_AuthorFirst-LastName_summary.

Now some ground rules for the virtual ASC 2020 oral sessions. Please read the information below carefully.

Terms and Conditions

  • Presenters agree to abide by policies for Abstract Changes, Corrections and Withdrawal, see below.
  • All presentations must be in English and MUST be uploaded to the Whova online software no later than October 15, 2020
  • Any author presenting at ASC 2020 must be a registered participant of the Conference. Speakers must register by October 1, 2020 to ensure enough time for uploading their video recording and slide decks. The registration fee includes one presentation and one manuscript submission. Additional presentations and/or manuscript submissions may be purchased for an additional fee.
  • Presenters agree that the accepted abstract and any supplemental material uploaded by the presenter may be published and made available to registered attendees the public via the ASC 2020 Conference Platforms which will be accessible via mobile devices and the Internet.
  • All presentations will be reviewed for technical content. Only material that corresponds to the listing in the published program may be submitted for presentation. Presentation management staff will be instructed to block submission of material different from that given in the published program.
  • A discussion thread for each presentation will be available via Whova for delegates to ask questions and/or discuss the presentation before, during, and after the Conference.
  • Presenters of oral talks are asked to be available during the scheduled live oral session discussion time slot assigned to their presentation. Detailed information on live session discussions will be sent to presenting authors at a later date.

Abstract Changes, Corrections, and Withdrawal

  • Publication of the program occurs on October 22, 2020.  
  • Abstract content changes to your accepted entry in the program, i.e. modification of title or body, must be submitted to the conference management and approved by the Program Committee before October 15, 2020. Please include your Abstract Control ID or Presentation ID in the subject line of your email.
  • Minor corrections to your accepted entry in the program (e.g. spelling or grammar, author changes, changes to affiliations, changes to names, etc.) must be submitted to the conference management and will be accepted until October 15, 2020. Please include your Abstract Control ID or Presentation ID in the subject line of your email.
  • After October 15, 2002, only requests to withdraw the presentation and changes to the presenting author will be considered.
  • Changes to the presenting author can only be requested by the abstract submitter (usually the corresponding author).
  • If you need to withdraw your abstract, please contact Centennial Conferences via e-mail. Please include the reason for withdrawing and give your Abstract Control ID or Presentation ID in the e-mail subject line.

Manuscript Consideration

  • Authors are invited to submit a manuscript to the special conference issue of the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (TAS). Manuscript submission is not a requirement of making a presentation at the conference.
  • Presentation of your work in the published ASC 2020 virtual program is required for a manuscript to be considered for peer review. Only papers that are presented at ASC 2020 may be considered for publication. For oral presentations, the word “presented” means that the video recording and the power point slide deck of the accepted abstract is uploaded to the Whova platform. Presenters of oral presentations are also asked to be available during the scheduled live oral session discussion time slot assigned to their presentation. If the video recording and slide deck is not uploaded by October 15, it will not qualify as being presented at the conference and thus the corresponding manuscript will not be considered for peer review for the IEEE TAS Special Issue.

Detailed Oral Presentation Guidelines

Instructions for Video Recording

  • Oral video presentations must be presented in English. Videos should contain a prominent view of the presentation slides along with audio of the spoken presentation. Optionally videos may contain a view of the speaker’s face for increased engagement (for instance the standard Zoom recording will include a thumbnail-sized image of the speaker). For all videos, the slides content (text and images) must be clearly visible and cover at least 80% of the frame. Introduce yourself briefly at the beginning of the video recording. The video should be of good quality with seamless frame transitions. Try to make sure that the voice of the presenter must be clearly audible (no echo, static noise, music or background noise).
  • Depending on the type of microphone used, the keystroke (keyboard) noise can easily be picked up and be audible in the video recording. If your presentation has many animations/pages, we recommend using the mouse button to move to the next slide instead.
  • For the best audio quality try different microphones to see which produces the highest quality with your system.
  • Try to slow-down your voice speed (to 80% of your normal speech speed) for a clear audio recording.
  • Both Google Slides and recent versions of PowerPoint have automated closed-captioning (CC) recording or editing options for English to help the audience. The use of CC is permitted for ASC 2020 presentations. Instructions for PowerPoint are available here.
  • Using this format will take some practice and we strongly recommend trying some test recordings even before you have finished creating your slide-deck.

Other Details


Format: 16:9
Minimum Horizontal Resolution: 720 pixels (minimum 480 pixels)
Video file format: recommended mp4 but mpeg, mpg, mov, avi are also acceptable
File size: < 200 MB preferred

Tutorial videos to show you how to make your recordings are available on IEEE.tv or YouTube, e.g.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYNOB38ejVI or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjhHsTmXCKg.

Zoom Resources:



Following these instructions, you can add audio (and optionally video) to your slides (Windows instructionsMac instructions).

NEW: Click here for a short tutorial on how to record your presentation using PowerPoint.

Following these instructions, you can generate a MPEG-4 (.mp4) file from your slides and audio/video.

  • Number your slides in the lower right corner of each slide, (e.g. 1 is Title slide). This will make it easier to find individual slides in the Q&A discussion session.
  • To highlight/emphasize the content of your slides during the presentation, consider using the built-in “laser pointer” or “highlighter” option available with your presentation software, rather than the mouse cursor. The mouse cursor may not be clearly visible in the recording video. With PowerPoint, the laser pointer can be activated in the presentation mode by pushing the “Ctrl” key and the mouse left button simultaneously. Or simply hover the mouse on the lower left corner of the screen and select a highlighting tool. Move the mouse cursor to the side of the slide once the highlight is completed. Avoid unnecessary frantic motion of the laser pointer.

Accessing the Conference Presentations after the Conference

To make it easier for ASC 2020 attendees to access content outside the scheduled conference timetable (which ends Saturday November 7th), we will make the videos and uploaded files accessible to registered attendees and conference administrators until December 31, 2020. However, the authors may remove their files within one week after the published end of the conference timetable. By uploading the video and presentation files on the submission platform the presenter agrees to these conditions.