Community Groups
Within the ASC 2020 virtual Whova platform and app, there are community groups. Search for topics of interest or start a discussion by creating your own community group. Existing groups that are recommended for student attendees are listed below:
Student Information Exchange: Follow this community group to share questions about the conference, announcements, share links to technical and special sessions etc. Find support from your peers and other attendees during the conference here!
Job Opportunities: If you are looking for jobs, internships, postdocs etc., follow this group to keep up with current opportunities within the field of applied superconductivity. Upload your resume/CV in response to a posting or ask for more details about the position.
ASC Student Program Activities & Highlights
We recommend that you do not miss out on participating in these events at ASC 2020. Use the knowledge gained from these events to start planning your strategy for ASC 2022 today!
The Applied Superconductivity Conference is excited to offer professional development opportunities through our ELEVATE program. See ELEVATE program details here. Some ELEVATE sessions require a registration so please add them when registering or return to your registration to add the sessions.
Student Career Sessions
1: Monday, November 2, 3:45 p.m. (EST)
2: Tuesday, November 3, 7:30 p.m. (EST)
The ASC virtual student career session is designed as an interactive student-professional networking session. These sessions afford you the chance to ask questions that will help you discover a career path within the field of Applied Superconductivity. A global panel of representatives from international labs, universities, and industry will provide insights on the topics of interests and highlight some fastest-growing opportunities for students and rising professionals in our scientific and technical field.
Student Paper Contest Oral Sessions
Monday, October 26, 9 a.m. (EDT)
Did you know that the conference offers a ASC Best Student Paper Contest? Attend to support your peers and see the presentations selected for final consideration. Finalists will make 15-minute oral presentations, with five minutes to answer questions from the panel and the audience.
ASC Diversity and Inclusion in Science and Engineering Sessions
Session 1: Thursday October 29, 8:00 a.m. EDT
Session 2: Monday November 2, 6:00 p.m. EST
The Applied Superconductivity Conference is committed to the significance and importance of Diversity and Inclusion. As a professional in the community of applied superconductivity we are all individually responsible for our actions and our treatment of others. The Diversity and Inclusion sessions help to foster our technical community to become more socially responsible and conscious of our actions. You can have a role in shaping respectful professional interactions.
See more about the Diversity and Inclusion sessions here.
Short Courses
ASC 2020 provides students the opportunity to participate in short courses at a reduced fee, $50 per course. Add these courses to your agenda during registration. If you have already registered for the conference, you can modify your registration record until October 23rd. Information about short courses can be found here.
Young Scientist Plenary Session: Visions of the Future
Thursday November 5, 3:45 p.m. EST
This plenary session is a prestigious opportunity offered to early career scientists in the field of superconductivity. Candidates were nominated by the ASC 2020 program committee and six of the nominees were invited to give a short plenary presentation.
The young scientist plenary speakers are asked to present a new idea for application, physics breakthrough, new understanding, or eye-opening perspective they are working on that has potential or actual impact for our field. Attend to hear what these young scientists envision for the future. Meet these colleagues in Whova and talk about your visions of the future, as this moment may just be the spark that initiates a future collaborative project.
Award Presentations
During the conference, awards are presented to outstanding students, engineers, scientists, and managers in the field of applied superconductivity. We encourage you to attend these awards and recognize opportunities available to you throughout the path of your career in superconductivity.
Winners of the following awards will be recognized:
Thursday October 29, 7:45 a.m. EDT –Jan Evetts Early Career award
Friday October 30, 7:45 a.m. EDT –IEEE CSC Graduate Study Fellowship & other IEEE Council on Superconductivity (CSC) awards
Wednesday November 4, 3:30 p.m. EST –Cryogenic Society of America (CSA)
Thursday November 5, 3:30 p.m. EST –ASC Best Student Paper
Friday November 6, 3:30 p.m. EST –Van Duzer Prize (best-contributed paper published in the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity)